Hilltop Hoods Initiative Returns in 2012! - MusicNSW

The HTH Initiative is a $10,000 grant funded by Hilltop Hoods and APRA to help emerging Australian Hip Hop artists to manufacture, market and release an album.

In the past the grant was restricted to South Australian residents but since 2009 the grant has been made available to applicants Australia-wide. In addition to the $10,000 in funding, the winner will receive legal advice courtesy of David Vodika and Media Arts Lawyers which can be used for general legal or specific career advice, plus a Shure Microphone prize pack. To top it off, the successful applicant will be invited to showcase at Song Summit, 26 – 28 May 2012 and will also have a support contact at APRA to help with a career guidance plan.


Who can apply?
Applicants of any age (but it is expected that you will be in the early stages of your career). To be eligible for the HTH initiative you must be:

  • An emerging Australian based Hip Hop/Soul artist or group who has not released an album professionally.
  • An Australian citizen or must have been a legal resident of Australia for the past two (consecutive) years.
  • Applicants must be an APRA member or have at least made application to join APRA. For more information on joining APRA go to www.apra-amcos.com.au

You are not eligible if you are:

  • A previous recipients of the HTH Initiative
  • An APRA employee (or an immediate family member of an APRA employee)

What is the grant for?
The grant is for costs associated with manufacturing, marketing and distributing a CD of at least five original songs. This can include:

  • Mastering
  • CD artwork/design
  • Marketing and promotional materials
  • Postal and administrative costs associated directly with the project
  • Manufacturing

Please note, the grant does not cover:

  • Recording costs
  • Merchandising
  • Equipment purchases

The Panel of Judges
A panel of judges made up of industry professionals (chosen by Hilltop Hoods) assess applications and demos then choose the recipient. This year’s judges are:

  • Hau (ACT) – Artist (Koolism), JJJ Presenter (The Hip Hop Show)
  • Nish (SA) – Grafitti Artist, Community Worker
  • Ran-Dee (NSW) – Manager (Def Wish Cast, Dialectrix, and Alphamama), Booking Agent, and Promoter
  • Raph (VIC) – Artist, Entrepreneur (The Beatbox Kitchen), Author (Behind The Beat)

How do I apply?
Fill out an application form and send in the form along with:

  • 5 copies of your demo (minimum 5 tracks) on CD.
  • 5 copies of written quotes for all costs listed in the budget.
  • 5 discs containing a press shot and a group/artist logo (if applicable).

All demos and information must be mailed to: Hilltop Hoods Initiative c/o APRA, Locked Bag 5000, Strawberry Hills NSW 2012

Key dates

  • We will begin taking applications/demos on 13 December 2011.
  • All applications must be received by 28 February 2012.
  • The recipient will be announced on 30 March 2012.
For more information, head here.