The Jezabels: A College Radio & International Success Story! - MusicNSW

The Jezabels: A College Radio and International Showcasing success story!

From BIG SOUND 2010, the last 12 months for Sydney band The Jezabels has been nothing short of extraordinary.  Like a well oiled machine the four piece have traversed the globe to rave reviews, winning over fans and industry alike.  From a far this universal success has appeared to have happened like magic, however closer examination behind the scenes will reveal a carefully and strategically thought out plan of attack, predominantly utilising US College Radio and a host of International Showcase Events, including CMJ, Canadian Music Week, SXSW, The Great Escape, Liverpool Sound City, Music Matters and Reeperbahn.

In a rare and never before seen presentation, the masterminds behind the scenes Manager, Dave Batty and Boston based founder/Director of The Planetary Group, Adam Lewis will share with Sounds Australia’s Export Music Producer, Millie Millgate, their experience, the things to watch out for when breaking new territories and after years of working with numerous acts, what they believe is the secret to the bands phenomenal trajectory.

On the day of The Jezabels debut album, Prisoner release this is an event not to be missed!

RSVP to  is essential and there are strictly limited places available.

Complimentary lunch provided.

Date: Friday 16th September

Time: 12pm – 2pm

12 -12.30 – Arrival and refreshments

12.30 – 1.30pm – The Jezabels: A Case Study featuring Dave Batty and Adam Lewis

1.30 – 2.00pm – Networking

Where: Multimedia Room, APRA|AMCOS – 16 Mountain Street, Ultimo