Have your say on our National Cultural Policy - MusicNSW

From the desk of our Federal Arts Minister:

A new National Cultural Policy for Australia – the first in nearly 20 years – is being developed and you are invited to comment.

This is an important opportunity to examine how the Australian Government should support arts and culture in the 21st century, and to consider significant changes to the way we work, enjoy and participate in Australia’s arts and cultural life.

Australia’s arts and creative industries have built a global reputation for innovation, talent and energy, and 90 per cent of Australians participate in the arts.

Artists in theatre, music, literature, dance, screen, painting and craft have stirred discussion about Australia’s national identity, and arts and cultural activity have provided crucial pathways for self-expression, community engagement and celebration.

The discussion paper is a crucial step in the development of a new National Cultural Policy.

Whether or not you work in the arts and culture sector, your views on the goals and strategies in the discussion paper are important. These will help to set a 10-year strategic vision underpinned by tangible action to ensure our arts, cultural and creative endeavours resonate with a 21st century Australia.

I encourage you to make your contribution and have your say.

Download the Discussion Paper >>

(Photo: Miriam Hall)