FBi Radio announces line up for Sydney Sounds Like - MusicNSW


FBi Radio announce the line up for the 3rd Sydney Sounds Like, a mid-winter showcase of Sydney music taking place over two weekends and two venues; The Factory Theatre on July 2 and four floors of the Kings Cross Hotel on July 9.

Sydney Sounds Like first emerged during the 2009 Save FBi campaign, and has turned into an annual celebration of Sydney sounds.

FBi’s Music Director Dan Zilber said, “Sydney Sounds Like is a big love-in. It’s artists we love showing their support to keep FBi broadcasting, and it’s also a chance for us to throw an all ages event so our younger supporters can get a piece of the action.”

Choose Your Own Adventure, the all ages element of the festival, will take place at The Factory on July 2, from 3pm. Headlining the event is Faker, in their first public Sydney show since New Years Eve 2009! The band have been locked away in the studio for the last 18 months and are now ready to release new music, starting with the single ‘Dangerous’, due to arrive in June. A CSS remix of the track is available at www.faker.com.au now.

The second event, Party & Bullshit, will sprawl over 4 floors at the Kings Cross Hotel on July 9. Level 2 (FBi Social) will house the Stolen Records Gala Ball, hosted by Elefant Traks, level 3 will keep us dancing all night with Cuddle Puddle, presented by FBi’s Sunset DJs and friends level 4 brings the wonky beats and bass, hosted by the Club Future Beat kids, and the rooftop will be transformed into a Disco Den for hips that won’t be tamed.

Full line up for each available at fbiradio.com.


For further information and to arrange media interviews please contact Danae Goiser (Event Manager): danae@fbiradio.com

The basics:
What: FBi’s Sydney Sounds Like, Choose Your Own Adventure
When: July 2, 3pm – 10pm
Where: Factory Theatre

What: FBi’s Sydney Sounds Like, Party & Bullshit
When: July 9, 9pm – 3am
Where: Kings Cross Hotel, 4 floors

Full line up available at fbiradio.com