MusicNSW wants your opinion - MusicNSW

Music NSW is a not for profit Industry Association set up to represent, promote and develop the contemporary music industry in NSW. We exist to support you, which is why we ask for, and value highly, your opinion.

Over the last 10 years Music NSW has grown its operations and services in an organic way.  With a recent restructure, and an application for 2012-2014 funding pending, the Music NSW committee and management are reviewing the organisation’s operations.

To this end, it is important that the voices of NSW artists and representatives are heard and Music NSW are asking for your input into this review via an online survey, which you can access here.

The survey is designed to take 3-5 minutes of your time and your opinions are highly valued and will remain anonymous.

Thank you for your time and input,

Eliza Sarlos
MusicNSW Executive Officer