Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing and the Arts, George Souris today expressed his delight to be appointed to the Arts portfolio.

The Arts was added to Mr Souris’ existing portfolios when in Opposition.

“I have had a long and active personal interest in the Arts and am excited to be given the responsibility to drive effective Arts policy for NSW.

“As Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Hospitality and Racing and the Arts, I see the Arts as being a central plank in this portfolio’s responsibility for making New South Wales Australia’s premier destination for international and domestic visitors alike.

“More than that, and beyond its economic value, I recognise that the Arts, in all its forms, is essential in defining and enriching our lives as individuals and as a community.

“I pledge to be a Minister for all artistic endeavours including suburban, regional and indigenous artistic pursuits.

“I look forward to meeting stakeholders in the arts community and helping them work with the tourism, events and hospitality sectors as we strive to make New South Wales the number one cultural and creative destination in the country.”