City of Sydney Late Night Trading - MusicNSW

The City is developing a night time policy that that will broaden the scope of the City’s late night offering – with late night cafes, museums, galleries and shops, combined with improved transport options, and events that are not primarily centered on drinking.

This development will guide the development of the City’s night-time economy over the next 20 years, balancing public safety and economic and residential growth.

It is linked to five of the 10 Strategic Directions of the 2030 Sustainable Sydney program – a lively, engaging city centre; vibrant local communities and economies; a cultural and creative city; integrated transport for a connected city; sustainable development, renewal and design.

The Council has agreed to fast track the initiative, ensuring that government, business and community are fully engaged in the development of this vision.

Sydney needs a vibrant and diverse night life as befitting its status as a global city. A successful late night economy is good for the health of our overall economy, and is in everyone’s interests.

It will enhance Sydney’s global reputation, extend hospitality and retail options and broaden the range of opportunities for having a good time.

There are many parts of the City where venues operate at night. Central Sydney has the greatest concentration of 24 hour premises in NSW.

During late February and March 2011 the City will be trialling new measures to improve the how Sydney functions at night.  These include:

  • A 12 week trial of late night “Precinct Ambassadors” on George Street, Sydney (commencing 25 February 2011).
  • Improvements to the Bayswater Road secure taxi rank in Kings Cross (commencing 18 February 2011 – pending installation work completion).
  • The roll out of new trial directional signage to improve access to late night transport and public toilets (installation occurring in March).
  • A trial of portable pissoirs over 4 weekends in late night areas to address public urination.
  • Many other new measures will soon be rolled out as part of the “Sydney Central Precinct Liquor Accord” in partnership with NSW government, licensed venues and the City of Sydney.


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Long term vision for Sydney at night

The City is developing a long term and wide reaching policy for Sydney’s late night economy covering everything from better transport and more diverse options for all, to safer pubs and clubs.  The City is interested in hearing a range of views on how we will grow a truly global Sydney at night into the future.

Register your interest

Privacy and Personal Information Protection Notice
Purpose of Collection: To create a participant list for workshops for the development of a long term vision for Sydney at night.
Intended recipients: General Public.
Supply: The provision of personal details is voluntary. If details are provided, the City will be able to add you to its consultation database for City of Sydney, which will allow us to keep you informed of the planning process.
Access / Correction Of Information: If you would like to correct information provided, please contact Suzie Matthews, Manager Late Night Economy on 9265 9570 or by email at