Indent Advisory Group Positions Vacant - MusicNSW

Indent are putting the feelers out for two new young people (between 12 and 25) to join the Indent Advisory Group (IAG).

The IAG is made up of a group of music, youth and arts industry professionals and meets every three months to discuss the direction of all ages entertainment in New South Wales and how Indent can better pitch itself as peak body. Applicants should have experience in local music and youth events, and a keen interest in youth culture.

The term of joining the IAG is pretty much like a presidential term – two years – but with slightly less expectations on fiscal knowledge and electoral campaigning.

Alls is required is your presence at as many of the four IAG meetings each year to share your knowledge, opinions, and ideas and to help guide the Indent project through it’s next phase of development.

“Sitting on the Indent Advisory Group has really broadened my understanding of the workings of the music industry and what goes into putting on an event.”

Said Melody Forghani, one of the exiting young IAG members “I was honoured to represent the views of my generation and help shape the opportunities for all ages entertainment in New South Wales.”

Applications are now open and can be downloaded from HERE.

Submissions will not be accepted after Friday NOVEMBER 12.

We’re searching for two youth reps, one from regional NSW and one from metro areas.
Any questions please contact Indent on 02 9281 1600.