City of Sydney consider Oxford Art Factory application - MusicNSW

The DA for 38-46 Oxford Street, Darlinghurst (Oxford Art Factory) will be considered by the Planning, Development and Transport Commitee at their meeting on Monday, 11 October 2010.

Note that the application being considered is the application for daytime use of the venue. The application to continue late night trading hours will be considered at a future meeting.

The meeting is scheduled to start at 4:30pm in the Council Chamber in the Town Hall. However the DA items will not be considered prior to 6:00pm.

A copy of the agenda and report is available in both hard copy (from Council’s One Stop Shop in Town Hall House, 456 Kent Street, Sydney) and on Council’s website at:

If you wish to speak at the Committee Meeting, you must register with Council’s Secretariat Unit by phoning 9265 9310 by no later than 12:00 midday on Monday 11 October 2010. Each person will be limited to 3 minutes. The Chair may limit the number of speakers to 3 for each agenda item.

Guidelines for speakers at Council Committees