Michael Griffin – Music Educator at RCC Tomorrow! - MusicNSW

Tomorrow, Wednesday 18th August at 4pm (sharp) Redfern Community Centre in cooperation with Allans music/Billy Hydes is proudly hosting a presentation from international music educator Michael Griffin who will present his module Learning Music: Practise and Performanc

The presentation will be only 45 mins long and is followed by another free music workshop at 5pm! (see below). For more information on Michael see attached flyer and visit www.musiceducationworld.com

I believe this will be a valuable experience for all serious and aspiring professional musicians, so I really hope you’re able to come. Michael is offering this presentation to the RCC community as a gift, and we are hugely grateful!

Please feel free – urged in fact! – to pass this on to any musicians, particularly young people who you think may be interested.

All are welcome…and directly after Michael’s presentation, after the fabulous Latin American troup La Sonora Le Tommy Rey are also presenting a free workshop…so if you’re keen, stay on and get some practise in