Final Call: Don’t DIS’my’ABILITY Small Arts Grants - MusicNSW

Two days left to get your Don’t DISmyABILITY Small Arts Grants applications in! In July this year Accessible Arts invited applications for Small Grants of $3000 for individual artists or organisations to create high quality arts project as part of the 2010 Don’t DISmyABILITY campaign.

On offer are grants to 6 high quality, projects delivering sustainable outcomes, leading to showcases to be held in accessible public arts spaces for audiences of up to 500 people. Ideally projects will involve partnerships between the arts and disability sectors in the visual arts, dance, music, performance or new media.

The grants are offered in three categories;
• Individual artists in NSW
• Rural and Regional NSW, and
• Western Sydney.

Deadline is Wednesday August 18 2010 and applications must be emailed or postmarked by end of working day.

Successful applicants will be notified by 31 August 2010.

Sarah-Vyne Vassallo or Josie Cavallaro, Arts Development Officers, on (02) 9251 6499
More information:
Small Grants now available