Ticket Scalping Survey Results Released - MusicNSW

Ticket vendor, Moshtix, has released the results of their survey to punters on the on-selling of tickets.

Launched on June 30, following the review by Commonwealth Consumer Affairs Advisory Council on Ticket Scalping, the survey received 750 responses from live music goers.

The results showed that just under 50% of survey participants believed that ticket on-selling should be monitored closely, but not regulated. This shows that there is a need, perhaps a demand, out there for on-selling, and as the General Manager of Moshtix, Adam Macarthur, told triple j:

There is a market demand for this and so you can’t stamp out, you’ve got to let people have a choice. What we’re proposing is that you can do in a way that ensures people get legitimate tickets.

About 20% or one in five responses to the survey said that websites that allow people to on-sell their tickets should be responsible for monitoring and regulating the practice- ebay has been pulled up for this in the past.

In light of the Governments review, only eight percent of respondents think that the Government- either Federal or State- should take responsibility. Submissions from interested parties to the Federal Government review closed on Friday, we are certainly anxious to hear their findings.