Festivals Australia Fund now open - MusicNSW

The Australian government is inviting applications to their Festivals Australia fund.

The fund aims to encourage cultural activity in regional and remote communities and to support a sense of place and community identity. This program provides funds to add a new, innovative or special cultural activity to a festival. The program does not provide funds to establish or operate a festival.

Applications from regional and remote communities are encouraged. Local councils or nonprofit community organisations, arts organisations or festival organisers can apply for funding. Projects not eligible for funding under this program include competitions, fund raising events, capital works, festival infrastructure costs, and sporting, cooking and gardening activities, unless there is a demonstrated link to an artistic activity.

In the last round of Festivals Australia funding, Uki based Ukitopia Arts Collective were allocated a grant of $5,383 towards the Opening Ceremony of the Ukitopia Festival 2010. The ceremony will be developed through a six week community workshop period and involve a costumed parade featuring movement, dance, acrobatics and music around the theme of mythical creatures, reflecting natural surroundings. The performance will also involve a ‘Wishing Flag’ ceremony. Community workshops will create flags, which contain the wish(es) and artwork of community members.

Applications close July 15 for projects starting after January 1, 2011. More info, www.arts.gov.au/arts/festivals_australia