Creative Sydney on now! - MusicNSW

Creative Sydney launched an incredible program tonight, inviting outstanding entrepreneurs, creative practitioners and community campaigners to work together to make Sydney a better place for creativity and commerce.

Creative Sydney is a series of free public events, from 5-13 June at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Circular Quay. A mix of discussions, presentations, performances and parties provide an opportunity to spark connections across the creative industries. Register here to attend one or more of our 20 free events.

Creative Sydney invites you to participate and celebrate; to be inspired by cross-disciplinary experiments; and to help shape the future of our city’s creative culture.

Meet peers and creative leaders, or learn about the latest events and opportunities at the CREATIVE SYDNEY FESTIVAL BAR, MCA Foundation Hall. Open 6 10pm every evening from 7 – 12 June.

Creative Sydney is part of Vivid Sydney (27 May – 21 June), the city’s annual festival of light, music and ideas, and the largest festival of its kind in Australia and the Southern Hemisphere. To plan your Vivid Sydney experience visit