Australian Songwriting Contest - MusicNSW

The Australian Songwriter’s Association’s 2010 Australian Songwriting Contest is on again, with applications open now until April 31.

We encourage all entrants to set up a Sonicbids account with an Electronic Press Kit (EPK), so that your songs can be located online. Once you have an EPK, you will no longer have to post CDs around the world every time you want someone to have a listen to your work.

If you don’t already have an EPK, it can be a bit of an effort to create one, but we do believe it is well worth your while. Sonicbids will not charge you for the EPK for the first 2 weeks if you only want to do it for the purpose of entering our competition.

If you really cannot get your head around internet technology well enough to take this step, then manual entries (using an printed entry form and CDs) can be made, but there is an additional charge of $15 per song, due to the considerably large extra processing time that the manual entries take in our office. To request a printable version of the manual Entry Form, please email and they’ll send one out to you pronto.

All Category Winning Songs will be performed at the ASA’s elite music industry National Awards Night. Also at this event, a highly respected Australian songwriter will  be inducted into the Australian Songwriters Hall of Fame!

Entries close on 30 April, so don’t miss out! Enter online via Sonicbids