Contemporary Music Touring Program - MusicNSW

So you’re ready to tour? Sick of playing to the same people in all the usual areas? Well the Contemporary Music Touring Program (CMTP) have their first round of funding open for tours happening after July 1, 2010.

The CMTP is an initiative of the Commonwealth Government through the Department of the Environment, Water Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) and provides opportunities for a wide range of contemporary music to tour throughout Australia. They have a heavy focus on regional and rural Australia to increase audience access to live music. The Grants are of up to $10,000 dollars from a pool of one million BUT if you are committed to heading out to remote Australia (think Broken Hill who have an awesome reception for live music) you can also seek assistance from TRAX which means you can apply for more (be realistic though!).

Applications close on February 5 for tours that are happening after July 1, 2010. If you are planning a tour for next year however the grant will open again half way through the year.

For more information head to the CMTP website here.

For help with your application, and plan to get away, give any of the friendly staff in MusicNSW a call on 02 9699 9706. MusicNSW can also help auspice the grant so you don’t get taxed/burdened should you be successfully funded.