ArtStart Grants now open - MusicNSW

ArtStart gives artists who have graduated from an accredited artist-training scheme in the last three years, help to build an income-generating career.

ArtStart grants can be used for developing skills and business support, renting studio space or tools, getting expert business advice, growing skills in marketing and promotion, or putting together a portfolio.

Round one of the ArtStart grant initiative saw 53 successful applicants from around Australia demonstrate their commitment and long-term plans to build their arts practices. Grant recipients ranged from a lighting designer embarking on a career in theatre all the way to a music graduate developing a chamber ensemble.

To apply for an ArtStart grant, applicants need to submit a written application outlining a simple five-year plan of activities they believe are important to establishing their practice. The ArtStart website guides candidates through the application process from start to finish making it easy to apply.

Visit for more information.