$10k to an emerging Hip Hop Artist - MusicNSW

The Hilltop Hoods Initiative will give one emerging Australian Hip Hop artist a career staring opportunity with $10,000 to release and promote an album. Proudly bought to you by Aussie Hip Hop Giants Hilltop Hoods and APRA, it is open to emerging Hip Hop artists or groups who have not released an album professionally or commercially.

The grant is aimed funding costs associated  with the manufacture and release of an album. In addition, the successful applicant will receive legal advice courtesy of David Vodika and Media Arts Lawyers, which can be used for general or specific career advice. And to top it off, they will be invited to showcase at Song Summit, 19-11 June 2010.

Applications are now open and will close February 22, 2010. The grant recipient will be announced March 31, 2010.

Handpicked by the Hoods, the judging panel features some of Australia’s most influential Hip Hop figures:

  • HAU (ACT) – Artist (Koolism), JJJ Presenter
  • NISH (SA) – Graffiti Artist, Community Worker
  • Ran-Dee (NSW) – Manager (Def Wish Cast), Radio Presenter (Alchemy Radio)
  • Raph (VIC) – Artist, Clothing Label Owner, Author

For more information on eligibility, details and entry form please visit the APRA website here.