SMAC Award Winners announced - MusicNSW

Sydney’s Music Art and Culture awards (SMAC) awarded their second annual winners at Cockle Bay Warf on December 8, 2009. The winners all walked home proud to be named amongst those that keep Sydney’s cultural heart beating.

Local electronica hereo’s Seekae (pictured) took out the best live music act gong who at the start of the year released their debut album ‘The Sound of Trees Falling on People’. Best Music Event was sort of postumusly named with the gong going to Nick Cave’s All Tomorrows Parties. The Cockatoo Island festival was deliciously programmed by Mr Cave himself, unfortunatly they have announced they will not return in 2010.

Sherlocks Daughter, who only  just missed out on a SOYA award this year took solice in being recognised as “the Next Big Thing” a difficult category given the level of emerging acts coming out of NSW right now. Fergus Brown took out the gong for Best Sydney Song for his song ‘John, she was never only dancing’.

Lost Valentinos, previous feature artists here at MNSW, walked away with Record of the Year, a huge reward for their belated debut LP Lost Cities of Gold – the gong proving it was worth the wait.

For a full run down on all the winners from the awards that celebrate Sydney’s Music Art and Culture check out their website here.

For all the photos on the night check out their facebook page here.