Q Music seeks Big Sound Co-ordinator - MusicNSW

QLD’s version of MusicNSW – Q Music – is inviting Expressions of Interest from individuals for the position of Big Sound Summit 2010 Exectutive Programmer.

he BIG SOUND 2009 International Music Industry Summit and Showcases was a resounding success, and positioned the event both nationally and internationally to continue to build on the summit’s position as the most experienced and significant Australian event in the international arena. The BIG SOUND 2010 Executive Programmer will be responsible for the overall curation of the conference and showcase program, working alongside the professional team at Q Music.

If you are interested in lodging an EOI, please download the BIG SOUND 2010 Executive Programmer EOI document and position description from the Q Music website and forward your response along with CV to Denise Foley, Q Music’s Executive Officer, via email on denise@qmusic.com.au by Friday 11th December.