Breakthrough to continue in 2010 - MusicNSW

The Breakthough: Emerging Indigenous Contemporary Musicians Initiative that begun as a pilot in 2009, will continue in the new year.

The Minister for the Enironment, Water, Heritage and Arts Peter Garrett has announced on behalf of the Cultural Ministers councl that the Breakthrough Initaitive will continue in 2010.

The iniatitive supports three emerging Indigenous Artists with funding of up to $25,000 to produce a high quality recording suitable for broadcast and commercial release. The aim of the iniatitive is to achieve a more sustainable future for Indigenous Musicians through greater public awareness, appreciation and value of Indigenous performing arts.

Last year the pilot iniatitive had five successful applicants (from 42): Street Warriors, Microwave Jenny, Stiff Gins, Busby Marou and The Leah Flannagan Band.

For more information check out the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) website here.

If you need help with the application contact Frank, Whichway Project Manager 02 9699 9706 or