AMIN seeking Victorian Rep. - MusicNSW

The Australian Music Industry Network (AMIN) is is currently seeking a Victorian counterpart and is joining forces with a number of organistaions down south to make this happen.

AMIN is the national association representing yours truly, MusicNSW and WAM, MusicNT and QMusic.

Music support agencies Australian Music Industry Network (AMIN), Arts Victoria, APRA, AIR and The Push have formed a partnership to investigate the establishment of a new Victorian music industry representative body to provide advocacy, resources and services for individuals and businesses in the Victorian contemporary music industry.

Music makers and businesses across diverse music genres and activities are now being consulted to identify needs and issues. If we are to have a new Victorian organisation, what would this look like? What would its activities be and how could it add value to the music sector? We need your help!

Through December 2009, people participating across the wider music industry are invited to provide their views in the survey available via this website, or to make a submission to further contribute ideas and highlight relevant issues. This is mainly for those in Victoria, but interesting to see how our potential new sister organisation will develop.

There is currently no active peak body representing the Victorian music industry. Most other Australian states and territories have an established state organisation that provides significant benefit to their local music makers and businesses. These bodies make up the Australian Music Industry Network (AMIN), which provides national industry development activities. There is now a vacant seat at the national table for an effective Victorian body.

Keep an eye on her at Music Victoria