Kyle and Jackie O suspended - MusicNSW

Following on from last week’s on air stunt involving a 14 year old girl hooked up to a lie detector to discuss her sexual experiences, Kyle and Jackie O’s Today FM Radio show has been put on hiatus, the length of this ‘recess’ is unknown.

Austereo the home of Today FM was inundated with complaints from the public and have been forced to review the show, and under the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) codes of practice every single complaint must be investigated.

Austereo Sydney general manager issued a press release on August 2nd “Austereo has formed the view that it is in the interest of all parties, for the Kyle & Jackie O Show to go into recess until we have completed an across-the-networks review of the principals and protocols of our interaction with our audience. This review commenced last Wednesday 29 July 2009.”

Kyle Sandilands management has advised Austereo that “he is unable to perform his duties on-air at this time.” It also seems that the shock jock programming has also suffered Sandilands job as Australia Idol Judge according to the SMH.

It is not yet known when the duo will return to the airwaves, in the meantime, Chris Page will be filling in.