Music Piracy, Consumer Downloads vs CDs & Mobile Music Survey Initiated - MusicNSW

One of Australia’s leading music industry companies has commenced a massive online survey on the physical (CD, DVD & Vinyl) music products and digital downloading of music by consumers, including the legal and illicit online acquisitions of digital music.

In a five minute survey of 40 questions, the results will include mobile use, playback devices, music use and even live music participation with the three weeks of over 15,000 potential respondents results being released at Sydney’s AustralAsian Music Business Conference August 20-22.

This 2009 music survey follows a similar project in 2003 that IMMEDIA! produced on a limited scale among music industry professionals which was aimed at changes in the Copyright Act to allow the transfer of music from vinyl, CD, tape and other formats legally to both physical media and digital players. This new expanded survey is not commissioned by any commercial, government or industry organisations, is anonymous and the results will be freely distributed.

”There are both outdated. irrelevant industry association stats as well as highly priced and complex commercial surveys on various aspects of music use.” IMMEDIA! Managing Partner Phil Tripp explains. ”Though we’re not in the survey business, IMMEDIA! wants to compile a current and independent survey that is relevant without an agenda, cost or propaganda outcome. The analysis will be independently done and all answers are anonymous without tracking or the ability to submit more than one survey response per person.”

While major record companies’ sales have plunged almost 50% since 2000, and with thousands of CD shops and chain stores closing or shedding titles, more music than ever is being made available to consumers globally and it’s being consumed at record levels. But in order to plan for the future of music formats, copyright and delivery to the end user, the industry needs hard data without bias. That’s the reason for this short but concise survey being made available via leading music industry portal (

Results are released to media as well as industry on August 20, the opening day of the 9th biennial AustralAsian Music Business Conference peak industry event ( which attracts over 500 industry attendees as well as featuring over 50+ speakers in nine seminars and six keynotes from top Australian and overseas executives. The survey has opened July 8 at with an emailout of over 15,000 alerts to subscribers, national music press and media publicity and will close July 31.