INDIGELAB: Call for Applications - MusicNSW

Performers, writers, directors, dancers, choreographers, screen based artists, sound artists, designers, lighting designers, visual artists, and web artists are invited to apply for INDIGELAB – a two week residential workshop/labortary for Indigenous artists who work in different artforms around the nation to participate in a challenging environment of exchange, experiment and play.

It will take place at Bundanon on the south coast of NSW from Saturday 31st of October to Friday 13th of November 2009. Performance Space has initiated and will manage Indigelab and will produce it in partnership with Bundanon.

IndigeLab focuses’ on developing processes rather than product. Participants are invited to enter a hot house environment where ideas are shared, collaborative relationships are seeded and critical debate is robust. There will be discussion concerning the relationship between our Traditional heritage and our Contemporary practice. IndigeLab will be led by three facilitators – Wesley Enoch, Brook Andrew and a third person who is yet to be announced.

For a PDF application form email:

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