The CD is still important - MusicNSW

Peer Group Networks research arm; PeerIN has released the reports to a study of 3,400 music fans nation wide. The study called “Music Minds” profiles music consumers by purchase behaviour, choice of music media, technology preferences and brand exposure. The report coins an entirely new type of music consumer: Music Mainstreamers, Music Lifestylers, Music Sophisticates and Music Influencers.

“Music Minds” identifies 13 core “channels” that influence a persons choice of music. It finds that consumers are spending more money on music activities and products than ever before, and that the CD remains an essential format for them. The study looks at the consumption of illegal v. illegal downloading, and the different music packages for mobile phone carriers.

You can access the report for a subscription of $2,400 per year, or you can take solace in the fact that the experience of buying a CD or vinyl will far succumb downloading an MP3.

To subscribe to the quarterly 64 page report, email Andrew Reid, Managing Director of Peer Group Media and PeerIN who states: “Our research arm PeerIN is uniquely positioned to steer a more effective association between music properties, content and brands.”