Music Profiling - MusicNSW

PeerIn, the Peer Group Media research arm have released the results to a study they conducted through The Music Networks new look publication.

They have developed a new class system that pigeon holes music consumers into 4 very succinct classes depending on spending levels and frequency of purchase or engagement with music.

The four classes; mainstreamers, Lifestylers, Music Sophisticates and Music Influencers.

Mainstreamers; spend less and engage with music mainly through commercial radio while lifestylers accredit their spending on recorded and live music and are usually the ones that you go to for advice on new music. the Music Sophisticates are the ones that are actively typing away on blogs and in forums and are active digital consumers. The Influencers however are the creators and moderators of the music forums, they are the creative pull in this taxonomy and are advocates of community radio, street press and live performances.

You can check out the article and SOO many more in the new Music Network publicaiton.