Electrofringe call for Board Members - MusicNSW

Electrofringe is dedicated to the artform development of the experimental electronic arts and culture sector with a special emphasis on accessibility and early career opportunities.

Electrofringe is a part of the This Is Not Art (TINA) festival that runs annually in Newcastle, NSW.

This year marks the twelfth year of operation for Electrofringe. The group incorporated as a not-for-profit Australian public company limited by guarantee in 2008 and are in the process of establishing an infrastructure for the organisation. Board members will play a key part in establishing this infrastructure. Electrofringe is managed by a small artistic directorate and is a community based, artist-run organisation, Electrofringe relies on the input and support of the electronic arts community and embodies DIY culture. More information can be found on the website. www.electrofringe.net

Skills and experience being sought on the board are qualified professionals in the areas of financial, legal, not for profit business and fundraising.

You must have an interest in electronic arts or commitment to DIY Culture.

If this interests you please send applications, including a brief statment outlining relevant experience, attributes you would bring to electrofringe along with a current resume to electrofringeboard[at]gmail[dot]com