AMRAP Grants - MusicNSW

The Australian Music Radio Airplay Project (AMRAP) Community Broadcasting Foundation grants up to $10,000 to the promotion and development of contemporary Australian music and musicians by facilitating airplay through the community broadcasting sector.

Applications are accepted throughout March, closing on the 1st of April for more information head to the link below.

Amrap grants – Live Music Broadcasts: Funds are available to support live to air and national re-broadcast of Australian music from festivals, concerts and gigs.

Amrap grants – Live Music Recordings: Funds are available to
A) support the recording of live in-studio music performances by Australian (preferably local) artists and production of a compilation master CD for distribution to community radio stations
B) support the recording of live music performances by Australian artists at a festival, concert or gig and production of a master CD for distribution to community radio stations

Amrap grants – Music Correspondents: Funds are available to support the production of short program content on aspects of contemporary Australian music for distribution to community radio stations for broadcast and publication on the Amrap website where appropriate. The grants aim to provide the community broadcasting sector with diverse, well-produced and engaging content that enhances local programming.