Underbelly Needs Help - MusicNSW

Underbelly Public Arts Lab + Festival is back for its second year! Part band camp, part fringe festival, Underbelly brings scores of edgy, emerging and experimental artists together to collaborate, rehearse, build, workshop and create a diverse program of work.

This event is financed by Rinse Out Inc and is run on a shoestring! Every small contribution from the wider community will make a difference.
We are reaching out to arts lovers and supporters in our community. This is how you can help:
Make a tax deductible donation
Contribute to our Bridal Registry – The Underbelly Bridal Registry is a list of items that Underbelly artists need to make their projects happen. From pot plants and dreadlocks to gaffa tape and umbrellas, there are loads of items that you could have lying around your house or garage that could become a piece of artwork.