Indent Update - MusicNSW

Greetings all!! We hope that you had a great New Year’s and took Santa for all he was worth at Christmas time. We certainly did. As the party season begins to cool and people return to their routines, we at Indent are feeling energised and refreshed. We’ve got fresh clarity, and crazy schemes in the pipelines. But more news on that stuff as it comes to hand.

For the moment, let’s talk 2008 Partnership Grants. Congratulations to all successful committees – welcome back to those old hands and welcome aboard to the newcomers.

A couple of key things to note for successful grant recipients:

– Grant packs were sent out on Friday 18th January. This included all necessary paperwork, resources, promo materials and a flash drive with all documents on it.

– The contract & payment details form in the pack must be signed and returned to us with a tax invoice by February 25. Failure to comply will result in a heavy-handed visit from the Indent Hitman (who may or may not exist).

– Payments will be made on Thursday February 28th. You must have your signed contract returned for us to make the payment. Those who are running events early on are advised to contact us to organise early grant payment.

Once again congratulations to everyone – we look forward to working with you all throughout the year, and making 2008 another huge year in the world of Indent.