Song Summit Sydney (S3) Presenters Announced - MusicNSW

The international & local presenters have been announced for Song Summit in 2008.

Legendary US songwriters/composers Jimmy Web and Paul Williams will join local artists Dann & John Hume (Evermore), Rai Thistlewayte (Thirsty Mirc), Josh Pyke, Lior, Ash Grunwald, Melanie Horsnell, Eric Chapus (Endorphin), Les Gock, Peter Miller, Joel Ma and Pip Norman (TZU), Garth Porter, Rod McCormack, Lloyd Swanton, MAgoo, Phil Kakulas, Mia Dyson,
Scott Saunders (DIG), Jenny Morris, Francois Tetaz, Nigel Westlak and many more!

Online registrations open Monday 5 November. For more info visit the S3 website.