PPCA Registration Reminder - MusicNSW

If you are an Australian recording artist whose music is being broadcast or you hold the copyright in recordings receiving airplay, you could share in licence fees collected by PPCA from over 48,000 businesses across Australia which play sound recordings (CD, digital downloads) and music videos. This is under the Artist Direct Distribution Scheme, but you must register with PPCA before October 31 to be eligible for this year’s distribution. If you are already registered, you must notify them of all releases you are eligible to claim under before October 31. Record labels do not notify them of this, it’s your responsibility. If you have released a CD within the past year and have not lodged your artist registrations, then any income you earned for that release will go to your record label. Registering with PPCA is free. If you’d like to check what artist registrations they have for you, contact PPCA’s distribution team on (02)8569 1133 .
VIA themusic.com.au