On March 23, 2019, the people of NSW will come together to vote for a new state government, based on a range of issues that impact our cultural and social fabric.
MusicNSW believes that music is an important political issue, and we want to help you #VoteMusic by informing you on where each party stands and how you can let politicians know why music is important to you and your community.
Quick links
The current state of live music in NSW
Over the past 20 years, we’ve witnessed huge changes to the music industry, in NSW and around the world. Streaming services, which once threatened the demise of record labels, now eclipse physical sales. Social media platforms have had a huge impact on how we discover music, how we connect with artists, and how we conceive of branding and identity and marketing. Low-cost airlines have made interstate and international travel much more accessible. You can now self-release an album from your bedroom, and find fans across the world.
While much has changed, there are some constants that give us hope in the face of an ever-changing industry. Whatever you listen to, however you listen to it, music is a part of the Australian way. A cursory glance at the Australia Council for the Arts’ Artfacts is pretty heartening – 9 in 10 Australians listen to music every week, compared to just 4 in 10 who exercise. Live music is the most commonly attended art form and Australian households spend more on music each year than they do family holidays.
But while the industry continues to grow, and music is well-loved as an art form, most musicians are still poorly paid, with little financial stability and very few opportunities for a sustainable life-long music career. The rate of pay for artists has decreased in the last 10 years. While being a musician is a tough gig wherever you live, it’s particularly tough in NSW right now. In our office, we’re keeping a tally of artists who have moved interstate for more funding opportunities, for more regular gigs, for more engaged audiences. It’s a little heartbreaking. We are seeing too many NSW artists struggle to pay rent, struggle to find support to get overseas, struggle to build a sustainable career or find the audiences they need to sustain regular live performance.
Last year, a Parliamentary Inquiry into Music released its findings on the state of music in NSW. The report, submitted to the NSW Government in November, found that if our state were to be funded on the same per- capita basis as Victoria, NSW would need $35 million over four years, which is more than 8 times what we currently receive. We are being left behind. Our artists, our industry and our communities all deserve better.
The Story So Far
November 2017:
The first ever Parliamentary Inquiry into the music and arts economy in NSW calls for submissions from the music industry.
The inquiry is led by Portfolio Committee No. 6 – Planning and Environment Upper House, chaired by the Hon Paul Green MLC of the Christian Democratic Party with representatives from the NSW Liberal and National, Labor and The Greens parties.
March-September 2018:
The Parliamentary Inquiry into Music recieves 437 submissions, more than any other inquiry during the current sitting parliament.
The committee hears from artists such as The Preatures, Set Mo and The Rubens and industry representatives like triple j, MusicNSW, Future Classic and Century Venues, as well organisations like Liquor and Gaming NSW, NSW Police Force, ClubsNSW and AHA NSW.
November 2018:
The Parliamentary Inquiry report is released, making 60 recommendations to the NSW Government including a funding commitment of $35 million to the music industry to match that of the Victorian government on a per-capita basis.
December 2018:
NSW Labor announces support for the Parliamentary Inquiry recommendations, particularly those around entertainment restrictions for venues-
“...we’ll scrap, in a single piece of legislation, the 669 venues that have got entertainment restrictions on them, telling bands how many people can take the stage, which instruments they can play, what direction they can face, and what type of music they can play, saying they have to play country and western, or they can’t play disco or pop,” announced the Hon. John Graham, MLC, Shadow Minister for the Night-time Economy and Music.
January 7, 2019:
The NSW Government releases its official response to the Parliamentary Inquiry. “The NSW Government is working hard to improve the vibrancy and safety of the night-time economy,” said the Hon. Don Harwin, MLC, Minister for the Arts. “There are also more police and 24-hour patrols occurring at night in the city.”
January 23, 2019:
NSW Labor launches a new live music policy. NSW Opposition Leader Michael Daley and Shadow Minister for Music and the Night Time Economy John Graham announce plans to address NSW’s live music crisis, with a live music census, amendments to the Liquor Act, the appointment of a Minister for Music and Night Time Economy and more.
January 24, 2019:
The NSW Government commits $1.5 million to live music events in NSW and the Sydney night-time economy. The NSW Government and the Office Of Responsible Gambling announce $500,000 worth of grants to activate Sydney's nightlife, while Create NSW, the government’s arts policy and funding body, commits $1 million in Music NOW grants to support contemporary live music 2019.
February 13, 2019:
The Australian music industry calls on the NSW Government to "stop killing live music". The Don't Kill Live Music campaign collects over 100,000 signatures ahead of a rally in Sydney on February 21st.
February 14, 2019:
Keep Sydney Open announce new party policies on music, including an investment of $100 million into contemporary music and performance over four years and repealing the NSW Government's new festival regulations.
February 15, 2019:
NSW Labor share their full music policy with the addition of a $35 million investment into music and support for regional music communities and touring circuits, community radio and artist funding.
February 15, 2019:
A new music policy is announced by the NSW Greens. Removal of "draconian" live music venue and festival regulations and increased funding for arts and music are among the official new party policies.
February 20, 2019:
An industry coalition calls on the NSW Government to halt the implementation of a new festival licensing regime to allow for proper consultation.
Made up of MusicNSW, the Australia Festival Association, Live Performance Australia, APRA AMCOS and Live Music Office, the coalition meets with advisers to the NSW Government at 2:30PM.
The coalition is informed that the Government will not change its position on the implementation of new licensing rules.
February 21, 2019:
Thousands of music fans gather in Hyde Park in support of live music. The Don't Kill Live Music rally features guest speakers like Fuzzy and the AFA's Adelle Robinson and Michael Chugg of Chugg Entertainment, alongside performances from Ocean Alley, Cloud Control and more.
February 22, 2019:
The NSW Government announces a list of 14 "high-risk" music festivals via SMS to festival organisers on Friday night, shortly before a late-night press release.
The music industry coalition releases a statement on the wide-spread confusion surrounding the music festival regulations. "A stand out example is Laneway Festival which does not meet the government’s stated high-risk criteria," says the coalition.
March 7, 2019:
The Night Time Industries Association throw a fundraising party in support of Sydney's night time economy. #UnitefortheNight performers include Gordi, Josh Pyke and I Know Leopard.
March 23, 2019:
The people of NSW come together to elect their 57th State Parliament.
Learn how to make your vote count on March 23!
What can we do?
With the state election around the corner, there’s an opportunity now for artists, venues, festivals and music-loving audiences to make their case for better support. But we need to get organised and start putting pressure on all political parties to make significant commitments to music in NSW. This isn’t just about lockouts, or regulation, or funding. It’s about feeling pride for your city or town, of wanting to go out and be with your community, of celebrating life and bringing your people together – with music being central to all of those things.
The good thing is there are many things you can do to support the NSW music industry – go out and support your local venue, your local artist, your local festival. Buy a band t-shirt. Support community radio. Stream local artists. Pay the bloody cover charge at a gig. Call your local member and let them know you care about music. Read our election report card on the various political parties and their commitments to investing in music in NSW. Whatever you do, don’t stay home or stay silent because there is simply too much at stake. With so much change happening socially, culturally and politically, it’s a critical time for artists, punters and the industry to come together and demand a better future for music in our state.
We’re calling on you now to help us do just that. By taking action, you’ll be joining the thousands of Australians who believe that our musicians, venues and the wider industry are vital to the state’s economy and cultural fabric. Help us make your voice heard, and convince the NSW Government that music is worth investing in.
#VoteMusic Action Checklist
Tell your friends and family why you’re going to #VoteMusic on election day!
Pick up an I Love Music and I Vote bumper sticker!
Read our 2019 State Election report card to see where the major parties lineup on issues affecting the music industry.
Preference all the boxes and make your vote count on election day!
Write a letter about why music is important to you and your community, and send it to:
Your local MP
Who is my local MP?
Want to write a letter to your local MP?
Download our letter template!
Note: letters written in your own words are more effective. Make sure to be specific about why music matters to you and your community!
Bumper stickers: I Love Live Music and I Vote!
Pick up your I Love Live Music and I Vote! bumper stickers from these locations and spread the word!MusicNSW
Address: 62 Glebe Point Rd, Glebe NSW 2037
Office hours: 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday
Office phone: 02 9953 5279
FBi Radio
Address: 44-54 Botany Road, Alexandria NSW 2015
Office hours: 10am-6pm, Monday to Friday
Office phone: 02 8332 2900
Oxford Art Factory
Address: 38-46 Oxford St, Darlinghurst
Office phone: 02 9332 3711
2BOB Radio
Address: Corner Wynter & Macquarie Streets, Taree NSW 2430
Office hours: 9am-4pm, Monday to Friday
Office phone: 02 6552 6200
Sun Street Studios
Address: 246 High Street, Maitland NSW 2320
Own a venue, business or organisation? Get in touch to stock bumper stickers at your place of work.
Want to print your own stickers or share online? Download the artwork files here and spread the message far and wide!
2019 State election report card
Keep up to date with all the music policies from political parties in NSW! MusicNSW's 2019 State Election Report Card compares policies on funding commitments, regulatory reform for live music and more from the likes of NSW Labor, the NSW Coalition, NSW Greens and Keep Sydney Open.
Our election report card compares all music policies from state parties! Check it out here.
#VoteMusic Fact Series

"In 2016, NSW generated $157.6 million in contemporary music revenue, the highest share in the country."
"176 venues have closed in Sydney since 2014."
"Australian households spend more on music each year than family holidays."

"The NSW Government's 2018 Parliamentary Inquiry into Music found no research to suggest that music causes violence."
"NSW is the largest contributer to the live music industry in the country, generating $3.6M and 23,207 jobs."
"Entertainment restrictions on NSW venues include bans on:
- Drum entertainment groups
- Music provided by more than a 3-piece ensemble
- Mirror balls"
Authorised by
E. Collins
Music NSW Incorporated
62 Glebe Pt. Road
Glebe NSW 2037