MusicNSW's Managing Director Emily Collins has been announced as the new Chair of AMIN, following the organisation's 2019 AGM.
10am Wednesday June 5
Following the organisation’s 2019 AGM, the Australian Music Industry Network (AMIN) is pleased to announce Emily Collins, MusicNSW’s Managing Director, as the new Chair, with WAM’s Mike Harris stepping into the Deputy Chair role. Music SA’s Lisa Bishop will continue as Secretary. AMIN also welcomes new members Angela Samut, representing QMusic, and Daniel Ballantyne representing MusicACT.
Previous Chair Joel Edmondson (QMusic) was thanked for his leadership and achievements over the past two years. Edmondson is a passionate advocate for Australian music and will continue to positively influence the industry through his new role as Queensland Music Festival’s Executive Director.

Emily Collins stated “I’m thrilled to take on the role of Chair for AMIN as it’s one of the few truly national music organisations with representation in all states and territories. It has a grassroots, ground-up approach to music development and I’m committed to working with my state colleagues to improve the health and sustainability of the music ecosystem through keeping artists at the heart of everything we do”.
One of AMIN’s key focuses for 2019 will be a National Musician’s Live Remuneration Survey which will launch in July this year. The survey will focus on the economics of live music from an artist’s perspective and provide valuable insight for AMIN and the broader industry on how to support artists through an ever-evolving market.
AMIN is the national organisation made up of the heads of Australia’s eight state music bodies – QMusic, Music Victoria, Music SA, WAM, Music NT, Music Tasmania, Music ACT and Music NSW.
- AMIN connects and represents the Australian music industry, with particular focus on artists, venues and industry professionals
- Combined membership of over 7,500 artists, venues, managers, promoters, labels, and other music businesses
- Each organisation delivers programs and services focused on the development of the Australian music ecosystem including professional development programs, industry best practice guides, mentorships, skills development programs and advice on how to navigate the industry
- AMIN bodies represent the interests of independent artists and small-to-medium businesses who don’t have the resources to advocate for their needs
AMIN is proudly supported by APRA AMCOS.
For more information, please contact AMIN Chair Emily Collins on (02) 9953 5279 or email